Friday, April 19, 2013

Trip to Italy ~ 2013

My husband and I were lucky enough to take a trip over to Italy this past March.  The beauty, the history, landscape and architecture is beyond amazing!  Photos below are from the beautiful city of Florence.

 The Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore

 The fine Architecture around Florence!

The River Arno

The Famous Ponte Vecchio [old bridge]

The River Arno

From the top of Piazza Michelangelo

Replica of David at Piazza Michelangelo 

 The Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore

                                                          Sunset across The River Arno
 Florence Sunset Piazza Michelangelo

Nighttime in Piazza Republica

 Piazza della Signoria

                                                       Nighttime on the streets of Florence

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Welcoming Samantha Grace

This sweet little angel was born on February 14, 2013.

I've been friends with her mama, Kimberly, for the past 12 years.  I was thrilled when her and her husband, Howard, asked if I would come to the hospital after she was born to document their little miracle’s first day of life.

The following week I went to their home to take more extensive photographs of Samantha and the family. 

One thing you should know about Kimberly, she is all princess and pink, enchanted fairy tales and happily ever after.  So, I knew to expect nothing less than frilly skirts, pretty headbands and everything girly.  And, let me tell you,  she did not disappoint. 

“Congratulations Kimberly and Howard.  I’m so happy for you and I can’t wait to watch Samantha grow.  Love you!!”

Peace & Love,
Blush Photography 

Monday, February 18, 2013

Exposure Detroit & The Bean & Leaf Cafe Exhibit! 2.16.13

Ashley had the opportunity to be a part of The Bean & Leaf Cafe Photo Exhibit 
 Through Exposure Detroit Photography Group ~

The Bean & Leaf Cafe in Royal Oak, MI.  ~ Downtown on Main St.

 The Hanging!  A couple nights before opening night, Ash and her crew help get the photos hung on the walls.  Lots of measuring, hammering and some, "A little to left".

The Fab Five!  The five chosen photographers from The Exposure Detroit Group.  Photos will be hung at The Bean & Leaf Cafe in Royal Oak, MI., for about 3 months.  And yes, they are all for sale.
L-R - Laura Briesch - Mike Kline - Ashley Rutkowski - Kelley Walter - Charles Dodds


Ashley's Wall Presentation

Ashley with her husband, Kyle Rutkowski and her Aunt Elana & Uncle Mike.

We are all so proud of Ashley and her hard work and dedication and love for her photography!
Make sure you stop in at The Bean & Leaf Cafe!

Peace & Love,
Blush Photography

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Photo Shoot for Peninsula Alpine Racing L.L.C 2/10/2013

                                        The day started out with the National Anthem!

The kids taking
turns skiing the
flag down the hill.      

                    Coach Kyle getting ready for race day.

                                                Coach Kyle taking a ski run.

    Ashley in action taking photos of the skiers.

Coach Kyle 
Keeping it tight, bending the poles!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Bean & Leaf Exhibit ~ 2/16/2013

Congratulations to Ashley for being chosen as one of five photographers to exhibit their photographs!

 A photography group, Exposure Detroit, puts together this exhibit.  Opening night is February 16, 2013 from 7pm-10pm at the Bean & Leaf Cafe in Royal Oak.

Please come out have a cup of coffee, see some amazing photos and join us in supporting Ashley and the other featured photographers.

~ Peace & Love
Blush Photography